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First face-to-face meeting to be held in Bari, Italy

The project consortium’s first opportunity to meet face to face will occur from the 26th to 28th April 2023, in Bari (Italy), where CIHEAM-IAMB will host almost over 50 participants.

The 3 day meeting will allow the project partners to thoroughly go through the developed deliverables and reports and also to discuss, prepare and organize the upcoming activities and outputs by: 

  • sharing a common understanding of what are agro-ecological practices, agro-ecological practices combinations and NATAE main scientific challenges according to existing knowledge production on agro-ecology performance and multiple benefits
  • precise what promising agro-ecological practices and combinations are already identified at Living Lab scale and how, and their state of adoption and constraints
  • sharing and validating  the integrated data collection protocol for farm surveys 
  • establishing a timeline for Living Labs  activities according to main tasks, milestones and deliverables 
  • reviewing and validating a common methodology for enabling socio-economic and local governance dynamics around AE, AEP and combinations and AE transition
  • reviewing main next activities and meetings
  • clarifying main administrative and financial issues and above all, reporting and contracting during the project