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MEDAE a MEDiterranean multiactor network on AgroEcology

The MEDAE network is currently under development. You can already register your interest by sending an email to


The project consortium is developing MEDAE, a multi-actor Mediterranean community of knowledge on agro-ecology, strongly connected with communities of knowledge on agro-ecology in other African regions and in Europe. The network will mix representatives from various scales, horizons and types of institutions (education, research, development, farmers, consumers, private sector, local authorities…), to meet 3 main objectives: 

Stimulate collaboration and projects between different stakeholders working to develop agroecology in the Mediterranean

The MEDAE network will bridge the gap between local, national and international contexts, policies and knowledge. It will foster international collaborations and encourage interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research towards a systemic and cross-sectoral understanding of agroecology in the Mediterranean.

Promote the exchange of information, knowledge, solutions and experience between network members

Network members will be able to exchange information, knowledge and experience, particularly of agroecological practices. These exchanges may take the form of webinars, workshops, question-and-answer sessions, panel discussions, case study presentations, etc. The MEDAE network will thus act as a knowledge transfer accelerator, promoting peer-to-peer learning and capacity-building between different stakeholders.

Represent Mediterranean agroecology stakeholders at international level and develop political advocacy in favor of agroecology.

The MEDAE network will give a strong, unified voice to stakeholders committed to the agroecological transition in the Mediterranean. It will make it possible to advocate agroecology in the Mediterranean at local, national and international levels, and to represent Mediterranean agroecology stakeholders on the international stage.


The network is organising a series of 5 webinars in 2023 to discuss the obstacles, levers and challenges of agroecological transition in representative agroecosystems in North Africa.

You can have more information and see each of the webinars below:

How to enhance the role of women in mountain agroforestry systems in North Africa?

(realized on 24/10/2023)

How can we promote the development and marketing of agro-ecological products in peri-urban areas?

(realized on 09/11/2023)

Between traditional and scientific knowledge, how can we improve the resilience of peri-oasis systems?

(realized on 23/11/2023)

Climate change: a catalyst for the agro-ecological transition of cereal crops in North Africa?

(realized on 07/12/2023)

The agro-ecological transition as seen by stakeholders in the field: between challenges and achievements. The case of the irrigated valley of Luxor, Egypt

(realized on 14/12/2023)

NATAE Atlas platform

The NATAE Atlas platform will be developed with the use of innovative digital tools, targeting the agro-ecology potential consumers and will allow all the concerned stakeholders among which, in particular, consumer associations, NGOs working in the field of healthy agriculture, extension services and professional organisations to:

  • get informed on the agro ecological practices impacts at farm, territorial and food system levels 
  • contribute to the project’s output dissemination. 

NATAE Atlas platform will gather in a single platform the different regions members of the MEDAE network, and will serve as the main source of information related to NATAE findings on agro ecological practices.