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People gathered outdoors in a rural setting with a backdrop of mountains

Launch of Boulmane Living Lab in Morroco

In the first week of October, our partner, the École Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès (ENA), organized the launches of the NATAE Living Labs in Morocco. A small group of visiting researchers from Wageningen University and CIHEAM IAMM Montpellier appreciated the opportunity to participate during these two launches.

On the 4th of October the Living Lab launch took place in the mountainous agricultural community of Skoura M’Daz, where farmers cultivate tree crops (mainly olive, but also fruit trees) often in combination with fodder crops, vegetables and livestock keeping. The team of researchers and a number of around 10 interested farmers was welcomed by the local representative board with Moroccan tea and breakfast in the Community Centre. After this warm welcome and a introduction into the goals and scope of the NATAE-project by the Living Lab leader, Pr. Ghizlane Echchgadda, the group of participants headed out to the upstream plateau of the area, where the small village Tadoute is located. The well-acquainted farmers of the area guided the group to visit farmer’s fields partially following the track of local irrigation channels. This transect walk enabled lively interactions and discussion among participants around issues on irrigation water management and the distribution of water between upstream and downstream areas, and on valorizing the rich biodiversity resources of the area including diversified fruit (apple, cherry, quince and others) and olive orchards, and spontaneous and cultivated aromatic and medicinal plants.

During the hot hours of the afternoon, participants gathered in the house of one representative board member for a recapitulation of the observations made in the field and for sharing a traditional Moroccan lunch with Pastilla and Tajine. Stakeholders highlighted favorable aspects of the region during their discussions, such as the availability of water resources, diverse agroforestry arrangements, the absence of chemical inputs, and the presence of local know-how. The participants demonstrated a keen interest in experimenting with new crop associations, agroforestry with using aromatic and medicinal plants as intercrops, organic fertilization utilizing compost, integrated pest management and the efficient utilization of water.

Pictures from the LL Launch in Skoura M’Daz