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In this newsletter, at the start of 2024, we take a look back at the achievements of NATAE’s first year, and at the projects to come.


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The first year of the NATAE project laid the foundations in the various methodologies to be applied during the project such as those of the territorial diagnosis, scientific approaches, surveys, and others. The past year was also used to launch six living labs in five countries in North Africa including Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania, and that helped draw a better picture of  the different issues faced and AgroEcological Practices (AEPs) applied at the the living labs level. During 2024, this work will continue and deepen to produce the first quantitative and qualitative outputs of the seven scientific Work Packages under the project.

An Overview of the progress made by each Work Package leader :


At the end of June 2023 a first version of the multidimensional, multiscale evaluation framework of AEP strategies in North Africa was achieved (D1.1). The whole Consortium was involved in a co-creation process for its development (task 1.1 and 1.2). It is a living document to be updated and amended all through the NATAE project and the final result will contribute to the construction of the NATAE design identity.

The methodological framework includes an indicator set aiming to identify the contribution of the AEPs to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to One Health Approach and to Ecosystem Service conceptual framework.

The evaluation framework (D1.1) covers the sustainability dimensions in the NATAE’s five main domains of environment and climate change, health and nutrition, society and culture, economy and governance; it aims to evaluate the performance of AEPs in relation to both a physical scale of intervention (plot level, farm level, landscape level) and an economic/social scale, considering value chain level and food system level.

Welcome to new members

We have the pleasure to welcome the following NATAE members that have joined the project starting June 2023.

First, we thank Faten Khamassi who has joined our Advisory Board.

Welcome to Moise Luemba from GRDR and Dario Pollicino for IUCN who hopped onto the NATAE train last summer.

More our more recent members, we are proud to welcome:

  • Zoubir Chattou from ENAM, the new manager of the Meknes Living Lab
  • Mohamed Nawar, Salwa Ismail, and Yasmeen Hussein from the University of Cairo as the new team responsible for Task T3.3 (Assessing social acceptability of AEP combinations by products and producer networks).

We are also happy to have with us Mouhcine Salihy from RIAM, Alessia Perrino from CIHEAM-IAMB, Maria Silva and Brimoresa Dhoro from SPI, Simon Julien from IUCN, and Diana Marais and Damien Jourdain from the University of Pretoria on board the project.

Finally, a big welcome to the new post-doctorate researchers and doctorate candidates joining. We wish them all a fruitful scientific journey with NATAE:

  • Aidana Ermatova and Luise Maria Meißner with ZALF
  • Safa Aatig with ENAM
  • Christos Galanis with CIHEAM-IAMM
  • Sevde Cagiran with CIHEAM-IAMM
  • Lilia Benzerara with CREAD
  • Salma Jallouli with INAT

A closer look to MEDAE : MEDiterranean multiactor network on AgroEcology

MEDAE is a MEDiterranean multiactor network on AgroEcology set up in response to the NATAE partners’ desire to create a permanent community of exchange and collaboration on agroecology in the Mediterranean.

The MEDAE network, that will continue after the NATAE project, brings together organisations with different statuses (research institutes, technical institutes, universities, NGOs and development players, producer organisations, consumer associations, private sectors, etc.) and operating at different levels (local, national, regional, international) and horizons.

It follows 2 main objectives:

  • To stimulate collaboration, projects and exchanges of information, knowledge, solutions and experience between the various stakeholders working to develop agroecology in the Mediterranean.
  • To represent agroecology stakeholders in the Mediterranean at national and international level and to develop political and scientific advocacy.

** Still under development, the MEDAE network will be operational and open for registration in the coming months. But it already has a number of achievements to its credit! **

To kick-start the exchange dynamic, a series of 5 webinars was held between October and December 2023 to discuss the issues, challenges and stakes of the agroecological transition in North Africa. Five webinars, each focusing on an agrosystem representative of the region and a specific issue, with plenty of scope for discussion.

  • How to enhance the role of women in mountain agroforestry systems in North Africa?
  • How can we promote the development and marketing of agro-ecological products in peri-urban areas?
  • Between traditional and scientific knowledge, how can we improve the resilience of peri-oasis systems?
  • Climate change: a catalyst for the agro-ecological transition of cereal crops in North Africa?
  • The agro-ecological transition as seen by stakeholders in the field: between challenges and achievements. The case of the irrigated valley of Luxor, Egypt.

If you were unable to attend the webinars, or would like to listen to them again, you can find the programmes and recordings of all the webinars here.


Meeting in Tunisia in April-May 2024 : training activities and consortium meeting

After one year, NATAE is entering a deeper phase for adaptation and implementation of the field methodologies that have been designed in the different WPs : for NATAE is relying on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary co-learning between the consortium partners and the stakeholders, there is need for field sites leaders to exchange on the necessary participatory methodologies in order to :

  1. Assess main agroecological practices and combination through scenario co-construction and modelling (living labs and replication labs) under WUR (WP4) and CIHEAM-IAMM (WP2) guidance
  2.  Co design memorandum of cooperation and participative guarantee systems relying on the RIAM coordination and transfer of knowledge and tools (WP7.3) towards field partners (living labs)

These two co-learning sessions will be organised in Tunis, 28 April-3 May 2024.

They give the project an unique opportunity to organise a consortium meeting based on fields representation and opened to every partner (hybrid meeting) ; a field visit will also be organised in the Siliana Tunisian LL by INAT.

T4.4. Choosing scenarios, prioritizing indicators and co- designing AEP combinations

Task 4.4. is at the heart of WP4, building on a territorial diagnosis and the development of a farm typology. It lays the foundations for the evaluation of agroecological practices (AEPs) through experimentation and scenario-based modeling. In this task, stakeholders are invited in a series of participatory activities to 1) envision the desirable objectives of an agroecological transition in their Living Lab, 2) identify appropriate AEPs at farm and Living Lab (LL) level, and 3) assess their perceived performance using locally meaningful performance indicators. The approach envisaged moves progressively, in three workshops, from the consideration of farmers’ viewpoints to more systemic perspectives involving the diversity of stakeholders within the representative board of the Living Lab. 

T6.2 Co-design and evaluation of relevant policy options with living lab actors and experts

This task aims to co-develop, evaluate and identify optimal policy options in North Africa, in alignment with EU’s strategy to promote the development and adoption of locally-optimal combinations of agroecology practices for agroecological transition in the region. This task is greatly fed through the result of Inter-sectoral policy review (T6.1), contribution from Living Labs stakeholders, experts and other project partners. To achieve these objectives the teams are working collaboratively. During the course of this task, EU Green Deal, Paris Agreement, and SDGs framework, and specifically the environmental, social, and economic aspects of these goals were explored, and extracted, so that novel policy options

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Funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement no. 101084647. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. For the associated partner in the NATAE project, this work has received funding from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Associated partner in NATAE project is supported by financial contribution of the Government of Switzerland.