On 21 September, the first out of six NATAE Living Lab launches was organized by our partner organization GRDR in PK17, Riyadh, Nouakchott, Mauritania. In PK17, peri-urban farmers are growing vegetables and fruits for own consumption and local markets.
The launching event started with opening words from the representative of Riyadh and the representative of the Waliya (region) of Nouakchott. Next, an explanation on the NATAE-project was provided and the representative board members were presented. The representative board will serve as discussion and decision making group on agroecology at the food system level. At the farm level, it will be farmers having a strong voice on the type of agroecological practices to be selected and tested.

During the launch meeting, about 30 farmers were present. Most of which participated actively in discussing the crops that should be selected for further study. They indicated, for instance, that our initial proposition to study tomato and spring onion value chain, basically meant an emphasis on fragile crops. Instead, farmers proposed dry onions and potatoes, also because of market-related aspects. These crops are not exactly considered ‘robust’ crops from an agronomist perspective, as both are sensitive to pests and diseases. So more discussions are foreseen in which researchers and local actors meet and exchange knowledge.
After a, for Nouakchott very unique, heavy rain shower, we visited farmer’s fields which led to many interesting observations and discussions. Issues in the area revolve around poor soils, limited access to water, and legal issues related to access to land. Farmers indicated a strong interest in experimenting with compost making, adding manure and using (homemade) biobased crop protection products. All together a promising start with an enthusiastic group of local actors.