RIAM is hosting a webinar on the Systéme Participatif de Garantie (SPG)

megaphone (1)

History, Objectives, Tools, How It Works, Farmers’ Testimonies, Consumers’ Testimonies.

RIAM (the Network of Agroecological Initiatives in Morocco) is hosting a webinar on the Systéme Participatif de Garantie (SPG) under the NATAE project, funded by the European Union and led by CIHEAM IAMM. This initiative aims to connect agroecology and ecological transition stakeholders in Morocco.

Given Morocco and North Africa’s agricultural challenges due to climate change and food import dependency, agroecology presents a viable solution for sustainability and resilience.

Since 2018, RIAM has been developing the “Participatory Guarantee System” Label with support from institutional partners and civil society. Currently, about 60 farms in Rabat-Salé-Kénitra, Marrakech, and Casablanca are certified under this system, which promotes local quality assurance through active stakeholder participation, trust, networking, and knowledge exchange.

This webinar will guide farmers through the SPG Agroecology Morocco implementation process, fostering a participatory approach to drive an inclusive transition towards sustainable agricultural practices while ensuring economic viability.


  • Presentation of the history of the SPG
  • Presentation of the objectives and tools
    of the SPG
  • Testimonies from farmers and

13 FEBRUARY 2025

10:00 - 12:30 (CET)

Launch of cross-visits in Tunisia with the Siliana – El Krib living laboratory (INAT)

of cross-visits in Tunisia with the Siliana - El Krib living laboratory

From January 25th to 28th, 20 farmers, researchers, and development actors from Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, France, and the Netherlands met in Tunisia for the first cross-visit organized as part of the NATAE project. The participants included laboratory representatives from Laghouat, Tizi Ouzou and Setif (Algeria), and Boulmane (Morocco), as well as researchers from WUR and IAMM.

With the support of INAT (National Agronomic Institute in Tunisia), participants were able to travel to the governorate of Siliana, El Krib delegation, in the north-west of the country, to meet stakeholders involved in the agroecological transition of their territory and discuss with them three major issues in this cereal-producing area: (i) soil fertility, (ii) integration of legumes into cereal systems, (iii) access to information and agricultural extension.

The program included farm visits, a tour of the INGC (National Institute of Field Crops) experimentation station, and restitution workshops. These days were rich in experience and knowledge sharing and highlighted relevant agroecological practices to improve food security and sovereignty in North African countries in the context of climate change.

  • (i) Discussions on soil fertility highlighted a real awareness on the part of all stakeholders on the importance of soils for crop yields and system sustainability and, therefore, on the need to preserve them from degradation and erosion. To achieve this, the Siliana – El Krib living laboratory has implemented several practices, such as no-till sowing in combination with crop rotation.
  • (ii) The issue of integrating legumes into cereal systems has enabled farmers from neighbouring countries to discover fodder associations and their benefits at different levels (yield, price, nutritional value, etc.). Legume/cereal rotation has also been recognized for its ability to improve soil fertility and crop yields while reducing the need for nitrogen fertilizers.
  • (iii) Agricultural extension was recognized by all as one of the main conditions for disseminating agroecological practices and encouraging their adoption by farmers. Agricultural extension can be based on various methods, such as the creation of pilot farms (like living laboratories) or peer-to-peer information sharing, as with the “Farmer Leaders” program developed by INGC over the past 5 years.

This visit was the first of the 4 cross-visits scheduled for 2025, which aim to encourage exchanges between living laboratories and replication laboratories set up in the project’s intervention countries so that farmers, researchers and development actors can draw inspiration from the agroecological actions and practices developed there, and share their own experience. These visits are also an opportunity to create new synergies between stakeholders involved in the agroecological transition in North Africa. The next step in Algeria from February 20th to 23rd is to meet the actors of the Laghouat living laboratory, located in an oasis farming system.

NATAE Cross Visit - Tunisia
NATAE Cross Visit
NATAE Cross Visit 2

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – International Field School

Call for Applications - International Fied School

The National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (INAT) invites agronomy, rural economics, and sociology students to a hands-on field school in Kebili, Tunisia, as part of the NATAE project. Open to final-year engineering and Master’s students from NATAE member countries, this is a unique opportunity to engage with agroecology and industry experts. (https://www.iamm.ciheam.org/fr/project/natae/).

Objectives of the field school

Supervised by INAT researchers, NATAE partners, and local socio-economic actors, this field school aims to conduct a territorial diagnosis of the Kebili oases. Participants will analyze local agricultural, economic, and social dynamics, focusing on sustainable development and agroecological transition.

Through surveys, stakeholder exchanges, and spatial analysis, students will gain hands-on field experience, contribute to understanding oasis ecosystems, and propose action plans for a successful agroecological transition.


Practical details:

When: April 12 to April 19, 2025
Where: Kebili
What is covered: Local Transport in Tunisia, accommodation and meals related to participation in
the school.
What is not covered: International transport, personal expenses.


Eligibility criteria:

• Be a student in the final year of the engineering cycle or in a master’s degree from one of the
member countries of the NATAE project (https://www.iamm.ciheam.org/fr/project/natae/).
• Have a strong interest in themes related to agroecology and sustainable development.
• Fluency in French.

How to apply

Interested candidates must submit:
• An up-to-date CV
• A cover letter explaining your interest in the field school and your career aspirations.
• Commitment to participate in the entire field school.

Application Deadline
Applications must be sent no later than February 15, 2025 by email to the following address:
Applications that are incomplete or received after this date will not be considered.

Successful applicants will be contacted by email by March 10, 2025.
For more information, contact us at: saoussen.ayadi@inat.ucar.tn
We look forward to your applications!