The Horizon Europe Natae Project Launches A Call For Expert(S) On “Social Acceptability”

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NATAE (Fostering agroecology transition in North Africa through multi-actor, evaluation, and
networking) is a Research and Innovation project under the Horizon Europe programme funded by
the European Union. NATAE will run for four years (December 2022-November 2026) with the aim to
foster the adoption of science-based, locally-tailored and co-designed agroecology strategies in North Africa. This is planned by creating a comprehensive and quantitative baseline on agroecology, providing a shared understanding, multidimensional performance measures, and analyses of agroecology potential for meeting consumers demand on the market.

Main tasks

The role of the Expert(s) will be to provide in-depth expertise in social acceptability at different stages
of NATAE project, ensuring the coordination and completion of T3.3, under the leadership of CIHEAM
The Expert(s) will be requested to:
1. Elaborate a tailored methodology to assess social acceptability in NATAE project.
2. Prepare detailed data collection tools, such as interviews or focus group guidelines.
3. Test and Implement the research, providing an in-depth focus on social acceptability, on
one or two of the abovementioned Living Lab(s) in agreement and close cooperation with
the Living Lab leader.
4. Refine the methodology and data collection tools based on the first implementation
5. Train researchers designated by the Living Labs leaders in the implementation of the refined
6. Oversee and support the implementation of the research on social acceptability for the
whole project. This includes:
• answering questions which may arise from the implementation of the research in any
Living Lab area;
• fostering collective work, partners dialogue and coherent implementation of the
overall task T3.3, in close coordination with CIHEAM-IAMM and WP3 leader
(University of Thessaly);
• ensuring the quality and consistency of the relevant contributions to project
deliverables as listed below in the section on “Deliverables”.
7. Review analyses on social acceptability developed in Living Lab areas
8. Produce transversal analyses necessary to the deliverables listed in the section below

Deadline for submission: 19 October 2023

Proposals should be submitted in English by email with the subject “NATAE Social Acceptability Expertise Proposal” addressed to:
Rita Jalkh, NATAE Project Manager: and
Melanie Requier-Desjardins, NATAE Scientific Coordinator:

For more information on the submission of proposals, please refer to the terms of Reference

Additional information on NATAE project can also be found on NATAE website: